Saturday, May 3, 2014

It has been too long

Lately I have been struggling with several issues, first my job and my kids, my sense of feeling like I need to voice my opinions on life, love ,God, autism human rights, etc....

First the job and kids issues is getting a little easier for me.. learning to have to let the parental strings ease up a bit even though the mother bear side of me tells me quit your job don't let them go to daycare in the summer even thought it is someone we know. Then I think do I really give up a job I've had for 7 years to be with my kids for the summer (I am working full time now, before I was part time in the evenings so I did not have this issue before) what would I do when my kids go back to school in the fall??????

Second I am struggling with the whole religion issue with human rights my thinking is. ."what the hell gives a person the right to say gays are sinners and marriage is between a man and a woman only" Ok so the religious people say god says so in the bible, who really knows that god wrote the bible and it wasn't just some guy who was thinking I have an idea let me write this book and tell people I'm the only follower you will have ...there is no hard evidence in this In the research I have done. There are so many religions how do you know which one is the true one. I do not believe in some of the sins god wrote of ... Ok for one because I had sex before marriage makes me a sinner??? I stole from 7-11 when i was a kid and rite aid when I was a young  teenager so I am a sinner with that also??  So he also writes on do not lust after another I'm sorry but Everyone does that even the most religious people. When you are married and have sex not to just have a baby it is lust I do not know ANYONE who was married and only had sex to get pregnant and never had sex again another thing god states is to love thy neighbor..well i don't love one of my neighbors because she is the gossip Queen in my neighborhood and tried to tell me casen will grow out of being autistic.... that is a whole other subject  Etc...I could go on and on

My biggest issue right now is gay rights and race rights. Gay rights because people are such bigots. My thinking is people are so scared of gay people they don't know how to handle it. When a gay person knows you are not gay chances are they are not going to hit on you and how does it effect you really. doesn't is like" Oh my gosh brittney Spears music is so offensive" well then dont listen to it. How are Gay people are going to effect your life really they aren't shut up about it... do you really have nothing better in your life then to complain about it?? My out spoken voice is because certain people just can't let issues go and I feel like I have to fight for that right. People fought for slavery to be abolished and now it is against the law the US anyway. My issue with race is. . Everyone has been or will be racist in some form right?? So after 9 11 happened I sat next to a man on a plane who looks like he may have been from Iraq or Saudi Arabia. I was so scared the entire time. Now I am ashamed to say that I even thought that way. I now know someone from Iraq who came to the U.S. for a better life for himself and his wife and I'll tell you what he is one of the nicest people I have ever meet and I do not judge him because of his religious beliefs and I can honestly say I always felt safe when casen was around him. (He was an aid in casens first elementary class) growing up my grandpa also shared his horrible opinions on black people I chalk it up to the way he was raised. I teach my children it doesn't not matter what race or religion you are it is how people treat you as a person. I have friends of all races, religions and sexual orientation.

 Just a little known fact... Did you know Utah has the highest rates of suicides of gay people who feel like they can not come out as gay or will loose the support of their church and the families and friends they gained from their church? That is just horrific, I want to cry and pisses me off that they think that is the only way out. It is not but. .... that is how horrible I think religion can be.

So I do not steal, rape, commit adultery...etc... so I not only think but I know I am a good person except for my occasional lead foot, having a alcoholic drink every once and awhile and my potty mouth, yep my mouth can compete with a sailors.
If there is a god I will answer to him and only him when the time comes.

This coming up week I am speaking at casens old autism preschool to talk about our experience. I am super excited about this. My main subject will be      "Be an advocate for your child , be their voice that they do not have." I have been writing a book on our experience with autism on and off this past year.
Hey if I quit my job I can work on my book more!!!!!

Sorry for typos or missing words I'm typing this it on my phone


  1. This is great! I feel like I'm getting to know a bit more about the cousin I played with when I was young but didn't know very well :) Don't know if you realize, but I know oh too well how horrible religion can be - I lived with it hung over my head all the time growing up. Btw, the idea of you writing a book about your experiences is really an exciting idea!

  2. What day and time are you speaking? I'd like to come listen and support you.

  3. Priscilla I'll be there Tuesday night at canyon view parent night I think 6pm id love to see you!!!!
    Thanks cousin I love to hear the support. My mom did tell me a bit about the religion part of your childhood but not too much. We should talk on the phone one day soon. My views on life religion and so forth have changed and developed over the years.
